Google Site + Search Console Fixing URL Not in Property Error

If you have added your Google Site to Google Search Console, you might expect to see your site’s performance data, such as impressions, clicks, rankings, and more.

However, sometimes you might encounter an error message that says “URL is not on Google” or “URL not in property”.

This means that Google cannot find or index your site, or that your site is not verified in Search Console.

This can affect your site’s visibility and traffic from Google.

Now I will explain why this error occurs and how to fix it. I will also answer some frequently asked questions related to this topic.

By the end of this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your site back on Google.

What Causes URL Not in Property Error in Google Search Console?

There are several possible reasons why you might see the URL not in property error in Google Search Console.

Some of the common ones are:

  1. You have added the wrong version of your site to Search Console. Google treats different versions of your site, such as http, https, www, and non-www, as separate properties.

For example, if you have added to Search Console, but your site is actually using, you will see the error.

  1. You have not verified your site ownership in Search Console. To use Search Console, you need to prove to Google that you own or manage the site.

You can do this by using one of the verification methods, such as uploading an HTML file, adding a meta tag, using Google Analytics, or using Google Tag Manager.

  1. You have blocked Google from crawling or indexing your site. Sometimes, you might unintentionally or intentionally block Google from accessing your site.

This can happen if you have a robots.txt file that disallows Googlebot, or if you have a noindex meta tag or header on your site.

  1. Your site is new or has low authority. If your site is new or has low authority, it might take some time for Google to discover and index your site.

Google does not guarantee to index every site or page on the web, and it prioritizes sites that are relevant, useful, and popular.

How to Fix URL Not in Property Error in Google Search Console?

Depending on the cause of the error, there are different ways to fix the URL not in property error in Google Search Console.

Here are some of the steps you can take to resolve the issue:

  1. Add and verify the correct version of your site to Search Console. To make sure that you have added and verified the correct version of your site to Search Console, you need to check your site’s canonical URL.

This is the preferred version of your site that you want Google to index and show in the search results.

You can check your site’s canonical URL by using a tool like Canonical URL Checker.

Once you know your site’s canonical URL, you need to add and verify it in Search Console.

  1. Remove any blocks that prevent Google from crawling or indexing your site. To make sure that you have not blocked Google from accessing your site, you need to check your site’s robots.txt file and meta tags.

You can check your site’s robots.txt file by using a tool like Robots.txt Tester.

You can check your site’s meta tags by using a tool like Meta Tag Analyzer.

If you find any blocks that prevent Google from crawling or indexing your site, you need to remove them or modify them accordingly.

  1. Request Google to crawl and index your site. If you have fixed the previous issues, but you still see the error, you might need to request Google to crawl and index your site.

You can do this by using the URL Inspection tool in Search Console.

This tool allows you to check the status of a specific URL on your site and request Google to crawl and index it.

Google Site

The easiest way to add a Google Site to Google Console

Step 1: Add your Google Site to Google Analytics

Sign in to your Google Analytics account and click on Admin at the bottom left corner of the page.

In the Account column, select the account that you want to use for your Google Site.

In the Property column, click on Create Property and select Web as the platform.

Enter the name, URL, industry category, and reporting time zone of your Google Site and click on Create.

Copy the Measurement ID that starts with G- and save it for later use.

Step 2: Link your Google Site to Google Analytics

Go to the settings page of your Google Site and click on Analytics.

Paste the Measurement ID that you copied from Google Analytics and click on Save.

Wait for a few minutes for the changes to take effect.

Step 3: Add your Google Site to Google Console

Sign in to your Google Console account and click on Add Property at the top left corner of the page.

In the pop-up window, select URL prefix as the property type and enter the URL of your Google Site in the right side of the window.

The URL should look like this:

Do not use /home at the end of the URL.

Click on Continue and select Google Analytics as the verification method.

If you have linked your Google Site to Google Analytics correctly, your site will be verified and added to Google Console.

Step 4: Request indexing for your Google Site

In your Google Console dashboard, click on URL inspection and enter the URL of your Google Site in the search box.

This time, the URL should look like this:

Use /home at the end of the URL.

Hit Enter and wait for the analysis to complete.

If there are no errors or warnings, click on Request indexing to submit your site for crawling and indexing by Google.


The URL not in property error in Google Search Console can be frustrating and confusing, but it can be fixed with some simple steps. By adding and verifying the correct version of your site, removing any blocks that prevent Google from accessing your site, and requesting Google to crawl and index your site, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your site back on Google.

We hope this article has helped you understand and fix the URL not in property error in Google Search Console. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below.


What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is a free tool that helps you monitor and improve your site’s performance on Google. It allows you to see how your site is doing in terms of impressions, clicks, rankings, errors, and more. It also helps you identify and fix any issues that might affect your site’s visibility and traffic from Google.

Why is my site not on Google?

There are many possible reasons why your site might not be on Google, such as:

  • Your site is new or has low authority and Google has not indexed it yet.
  • Your site has technical issues that prevent Google from crawling or indexing it.
  • Your site has content issues that make it irrelevant, duplicate, or spammy for Google.
  • Your site has policy issues that violate Google’s guidelines or terms of service.

To find out why your site is not on Google, you can use the URL Inspection tool in Search Console to check the status of your site and see if there are any errors or warnings.

How long does it take for Google to index my site?

There is no definitive answer to how long it takes for Google to index your site, as it depends on many factors, such as:

  • The quality and quantity of your site’s content.
  • The popularity and authority of your site and its links.
  • The frequency and recency of your site’s updates.
  • The crawl budget and rate
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Last modified: March 3, 2024

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