What Languages is Google’s AI Search Available in?

Google recently announced the launch of an AI-powered search feature that provides enhanced, conversational responses to queries rather than just a list of links. This new capability has the potential to greatly improve how we find information online. But so far, it has only been enabled in English. So what other languages can currently access this new AI search experience?

Overview of Google’s AI Search

Google’s new AI search engine utilizes large language models trained on web content to generate detailed summaries and overviews in response to searches, rather than simply showing relevant web pages. For example, asking it to “explain general relativity in simple terms” will provide a summarized explanation in the search engine’s own words.

This more conversational and contextual search experience aims to provide users with a helpful assistant right in Google search results. But language availability is still very limited as Google continues developing the technology.

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English Only So Far

In all of the materials and documentation Google has released about their new AI search capability, they have only stated that it is available for English-language searches at this time.

No other languages have been mentioned as being supported yet. Based on this, the current status is:

  • English only – The AI search experience is restricted to English queries only.
  • No ETA for expansion – Google has not provided a timeline for adding other languages.
  • Limited to the US – Within English, availability seems focused on American users so far.

So unfortunately, non-English speakers do not yet have access to try out Google’s new conversational search features. It remains restricted to English queries in the US market.

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Why English First?

There are a few reasons why Google has likely prioritized building out the AI search initially for English only:

  • Technical limitations – Developing capabilities for multiple languages adds complexity. Starting with one reduces variables.
  • Localized data – Training the models requires large amounts of data in each language, which takes time to build up.
  • US user base – Google’s biggest market is still the US, making it a logical testing ground for new products.
  • Iterative development – Launching in English first allows Google to rapidly iterate the product before expanding to other tricky localization needs.

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When Will Other Languages Be Added?

Google has shared no firm timelines for expanding AI search beyond English. However, we can make some educated guesses on what to expect:

  • Spanish next – Spanish is the logical next language globally after English. A US Spanish rollout may happen first.
  • Major languages by 2025 – Chinese, Hindi, French, Arabic – over the next 1-2 years, major global languages will likely get added.
  • 10+ languages by 2025 – Google will prioritize languages with substantial search volumes and data availability.
  • Steady expansion – Less common languages will follow, as Google works to build models covering the thousands of world languages.
  • Challenges ahead – Unique complexities around dialects, local data, translations and meanings will take time to address.

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The Future is Multilingual

While only available in English for now, Google search becoming conversational via AI has enormous potential to help users worldwide find information more effectively. Expanding to other languages is crucial for global accessibility and adoption.

Google is likely to gradually add languages over the next several years. While starting with English made sense strategically, they understand that the future of AI search must be multilingual. Expect to see options expand over time, even if progress may seem slow.

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In summary, Google’s highly-anticipated AI search feature is still only available for English queries, primarily focused on American users. When support for other languages will emerge remains uncertain. But Google surely recognizes the importance of multilingual accessibility to realize the full potential of AI search. Starting with their biggest market first allows Google to rapidly iterate before tackling the complexities of localization. While expansion to more languages will take time, it seems inevitable that Google will aim to make their AI assistant accessible to all users worldwide in the years to come.

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Last modified: August 30, 2023

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