Changing the Color of Graphics, Elements, and Logo on Canva

Canva is a popular online design tool that allows you to create stunning graphics, logos, flyers, posters, social media posts, and more.

One of the best features of Canva is that you can easily customize the color of any graphic, element, or logo that you use in your design. This way, you can match your design to your brand identity, style, or mood.

In this article, I will show you how to change the color of graphics, elements, and logo on Canva using different tools and techniques. You will learn how to:

  • Edit the color of graphics and elements from Canva’s library
  • Change the color of your own graphics and logo using SVG files
  • Use the color wheel and color harmony to create appealing color combinations
  • Create custom color palettes and save them for future use
  • Use the color picker to select colors from images or other elements
  • Apply filters and effects to images and graphics to change their colors
  • Use the color generator to find matching colors for your brand or design

By the end of this article, you will be able to change the color of any graphic, element, or logo on Canva with ease and confidence.

Let’s get started!

How to Edit the Color of Graphics and Elements from Canva’s Library

One of the easiest ways to change the color of graphics and elements on Canva is to use the ones that are already color changeable.

These are the graphics and elements that have a color palette icon on the top toolbar. You can find them in the elements tab on the left sidebar, or by searching for keywords like “color changeable”, “editable”, or “customizable” + your element.

Example: “editable background” shows only color editable background elements.

To edit the color of these graphics and elements, follow these steps:

  • Click on the graphic or element that you want to use onto your canvas.
  • Click on the graphic or element to select it, and then click on the color palette icon on the toolbar
  • You will see a list of colors that you can choose from. You can click on any color to apply it to your graphic or element, or use the color picker, or custom palette tools to select a custom color.
  • You can also adjust the transparency of your graphic or element using transparency icon on the top right toolbar.
  • If your graphic or element has more than one color, you can click on each part of it to change its color individually.

How to Change the Color of Your Own Graphics and Logo using SVG Files

If you want to change the color of your own graphics and logo that you have uploaded to Canva, you will need to use a special file format called SVG.

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, and it is a format that allows you to edit the color, shape, and size of your graphics and logo without losing quality.

To change the color of your own graphics and logo using SVG files, you will need to have a vector editing software like Adobe Illustrator or Affinity Designer.

You will also need to make sure that your graphics and logo do not have any fonts, strokes, or transparency effects, as these are not supported by SVG files.

Here are the steps to change the color of your own graphics and logo using SVG files:

  • Open your graphics and logo files in your vector editing software
  • Change the color of your graphics and logo to your desired color using the color tools in your software
  • Save your graphics and logo files as SVG files
  • Upload your SVG files to Canva by clicking on the upload tab on the left sidebar, and then clicking on the upload media button
  • Click on your SVG files to add it into your canvas
  • Click on your SVG files to select them, and then click on the color palette icon on the toolbar
  • You will see a list of colors that you can choose from. You can click on any color to apply it to your SVG files
  • You can also adjust the transparency of your SVG files like before step.
  • If your SVG files have more than one color, you can click on each part of them to change their color individually

How to Use the Color Harmony to Create Appealing Color Combinations

Another way to change the color of graphics, elements, and logo on Canva is to use the color harmony tools. This tools can help you create appealing color combinations that are based on the relationship between colors on the color wheel.

The color wheel is a circular diagram that shows the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, and how they are related to each other. You can use the color wheel to create different types of color schemes, such as:

  • Monochromatic: This is a color scheme that uses only one hue and its shades, tints, and tones. It creates a harmonious and elegant look, but it can also be boring if not used with enough contrast.
  • Analogous: This is a color scheme that uses colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. It creates a warm and cozy look, but it can also be overwhelming if not balanced with a neutral color.
  • Complementary: This is a color scheme that uses colors that are opposite to each other on the color wheel. It creates a vibrant and dynamic look, but it can also be harsh if not used with care.
  • Split Complementary: This is a color scheme that uses a base color and two colors that are adjacent to its complement. It creates a balanced and lively look, but it can also be confusing if not used with clarity.
  • Triadic: This is a color scheme that uses three colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel. It creates a harmonious and energetic look, but it can also be chaotic if not used with moderation.
  • Tetradic: This is a color scheme that uses four colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel. It creates a rich and complex look, but it can also be overwhelming if not used with restraint.

How to Create Custom Color Palettes in Canva and Save Them for Future Use

If you want to create your own color palettes in Canva, you can do so by using the custom palette tool. This tool allows you to add up to five colors to your palette, and save them for future use.

To use the custom palette tool, follow these steps:

  • Click on the color picker icon on the toolbar, and then click on the add a new color
  • You will see the color palette. now choose your favorite solid colors or gradient colors, and add it to your favorite color
  • You can also use the eyedropper tool to pick a color from your design or upload an image and extract colors from it
  • Once you have chosen your colors, you can name your palette and save it
  • You can access your saved palettes by clicking on the color picker icon and then clicking on the Brand kit. You will see a list of your colors, and you can apply them to your design elements by clicking on them

How to Use the Color Picker Tool in Canva to Select Colors from Images or Other Elements

Another way to choose colors for your design is to use the color picker tool. This tool allows you to pick a color from any image or element on your canvas, and apply it to your selected element.

To use the color picker tool, follow these steps:

  • Select the element that you want to change the color of, and then click on the color picker icon on the toolbar. in left toolbar click on element’s color to open color pallet
  • You will see a magnifying glass cursor, and you can move it over any image or element on your canvas
  • You will see the color of the pixel under the cursor, and you can click on it to select it
  • The color will be applied to your selected element, and you can adjust its brightness and saturation using edit image option in top toolbar

How to Apply Filters and Effects to Images and Graphics in Canva to Change Their Colors

Another way to change the colors of images and graphics in Canva is to apply filters and effects. Filters are preset adjustments that can enhance the appearance of your images and graphics, such as brightness, contrast, saturation, tint, blur, and more.

Effects are special features that can add some flair to your images and graphics, such as duotone, glitch, liquify, pixelate, and more.

To apply filters and effects to images and graphics in Canva, follow these steps:

  • Select the image or graphic that you want to edit, and then click on the edit image on the top toolbar
  • You will see a list of filters and effects that you can choose from. You can click on each one to preview how it looks on your image or graphic, and adjust the intensity using the slider below
  • You can also click on the advanced options button to access more settings, such as hue saturation, brightness, contrast, and more
  • Once you are happy with your choice, click on the apply button to save the changes

How to Use the Photo Color in Canva to Find Matching Colors for Your Brand or Design

If you are looking for some inspiration for your color palette, you can use the Photo Color in Canva. This option can help you find matching colors for your brand or design, based on a color that you choose or an image that you upload.

To use the Photo Color in Canva, follow these steps:

  • Click on the square color icon on the toolbar, and then click on your image or editable shape/graphic
  • You will see a set of colors that match your chosen color or image


Changing the color of graphics, elements, and logo on Canva is a fun and easy way to customize your design and make it stand out. By using the tools and techniques that I have shared in this article, you can create stunning color schemes that suit your brand and style.

Whether you want to use the color changeable graphics and elements from Canva’s library, or upload your own graphics and logo using SVG files, you can edit their color with a few clicks.

You can also use the color wheel and color harmony tools to create appealing color combinations, or the custom palette tool to create and save your own color palettes. You can also use the color picker tool to select colors from images or other elements, or the filter and effect tools to change the colors of images and graphics.

I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Happy designing!


How do I change the background color of my design on Canva?

To change the background color of your design on Canva, follow these steps:

  • Click on the background tab on the left sidebar
  • You will see a list of colors that you can choose from. You can click on any color to apply it to your background, or use the color wheel, color harmony, color picker, or custom palette tools to select a custom color
  • You can also adjust the transparency of your background using the transparency icon in top right side of toolbar

How do I change the color of text on Canva?

To change the color of text on Canva, follow these steps:

  • Select the text that you want to change the color of, and then click on the color palette icon on the toolbar
  • You will see a list of colors that you can choose from. You can click on any color to apply it to your text, or use the color wheel, color harmony, color picker, or custom palette tools to choose a custom color
  • You can also adjust the transparency of your text using the transparency icon in top right side of toolbar

How do I change the color of a shape on Canva?

To change the color of a shape on Canva, follow these steps:

  • Select the shape that you want to change the color of, and then click on the color palette icon on the toolbar
  • You will see a list of colors that you can choose from. You can click on any color to apply it to your shape
  • You can also adjust the transparency of your shape using the transparency icon in top right side of toolbar

How do I change the color of a gradient on Canva?

To change the color of a gradient on Canva, follow these steps:

  • Select the element that has a gradient, and then click on the color palette icon on the toolbar
  • You will see a list of gradient options that you can choose from. You can click on any gradient to apply it to your element

How do I change the color of an icon on Canva?

To change the color of an icon on Canva, follow these steps:

  • Select the icon that you want to change the color of, and then click on the color palette icon on the toolbar
  • You will see a list of colors that you can choose from. You can click on any color to apply it to your icon
  • You can also adjust the transparency of your icon using the transparency icon in top right side of toolbar
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Last modified: January 29, 2024

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