Black dots on the nose, also known as blackheads, are a common skin problem that affects many people. Blackheads are clogged pores that are filled with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria.
They appear as small, dark spots on the surface of the skin, especially on the nose, chin, and forehead. Blackheads can make the skin look dull and uneven, and can also lead to acne and inflammation if left untreated.
Fortunately, there are many natural and effective ways to get rid of blackheads on the nose at home, without using harsh chemicals or expensive products.
In this article, we will share some of the best home remedies for blackheads, as well as some tips on how to prevent them from forming in the first place.
What Causes Blackheads on the Nose?
Blackheads are a type of comedone, which is a general term for a clogged pore. Comedones can be either open or closed, depending on whether the pore is exposed to air or not.
When the pore is open, the clogged material oxidizes and turns black, forming a blackhead. When the pore is closed, the clogged material remains white or yellow, forming a whitehead.
The main cause of blackheads on the nose is excess sebum production. Sebum is the natural oil that lubricates and protects the skin.
However, when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, it can mix with dead skin cells and bacteria and clog the pores.
This can happen due to hormonal changes, stress, genetics, diet, or environmental factors.
Other factors that can contribute to blackheads on the nose are:
- Using comedogenic products: Some skincare and makeup products can contain ingredients that can clog the pores and cause blackheads. These include mineral oil, lanolin, cocoa butter, and artificial fragrances. To avoid this, look for products that are labeled as non-comedogenic, which means they do not clog the pores.
- Not cleansing the skin properly: It is important to wash the face twice a day, in the morning and at night, to remove dirt, oil, and makeup that can accumulate on the skin. However, over-washing or scrubbing the skin can also be harmful, as it can strip the skin of its natural moisture and irritate it. Use a gentle cleanser that suits your skin type and avoid using soap, alcohol, or abrasive products.
- Not exfoliating the skin regularly: Exfoliating the skin once or twice a week can help remove dead skin cells and unclog the pores. However, be careful not to over-exfoliate or use harsh scrubs, as this can damage the skin and cause more blackheads. Use a mild exfoliant that contains natural ingredients, such as oatmeal, sugar, or baking soda, and massage it gently on the nose and other affected areas.
- Not moisturizing the skin adequately: Moisturizing the skin is essential to keep it hydrated and balanced. However, many people skip this step, thinking that it will make their skin more oily and prone to blackheads. This is a misconception, as dry skin can also produce more sebum to compensate for the lack of moisture. Therefore, it is important to use a lightweight moisturizer that suits your skin type and does not clog the pores.
How to Get Rid of Blackheads on the Nose at Home
If you already have blackheads on the nose, do not worry, as there are many home remedies that can help you get rid of them safely and effectively. Here are some of the best home remedies for removing blackheads on the nose:
Baking Soda and Water

Baking soda is a natural exfoliant that can help to remove the dead skin cells and unclog the pores, as well as to balance the pH level of the skin and reduce the oiliness. To use this remedy, follow these steps:
Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with enough water to make a thick paste.
Apply the paste to the nose and gently massage it in circular motions for a few minutes.
Rinse off the paste with warm water and pat the skin dry.
Repeat this process once or twice a week, depending on the severity of the blackheads.
Lemon Juice and Honey

Lemon juice is a natural astringent that can help to shrink the pores and dissolve the oil and dirt that cause blackheads. Honey is a natural antibacterial and moisturizing agent that can help to prevent infections and soothe the skin. To use this remedy, follow these steps:
Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix it with one tablespoon of honey.
Apply the mixture to the nose and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
Rinse off the mixture with warm water and pat the skin dry.
Repeat this process two or three times a week, preferably at night, as lemon juice can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight.
Egg White and Paper Towel

Egg white is a natural skin-tightening and pore-cleansing agent that can help to remove blackheads and improve the skin’s texture. Paper towel is a simple and effective tool that can help to peel off the blackheads from the nose. To use this remedy, follow these steps:
Separate the white from the yolk of one egg and whisk it until frothy.
Apply a thin layer of egg white to the nose and cover it with a piece of paper towel.
Apply another layer of egg white over the paper towel and let it dry completely.
Gently peel off the paper towel from the nose and rinse off any residue with warm water and pat the skin dry.
Repeat this process once a week, or as needed.
Oatmeal and Yogurt
Oatmeal is a natural exfoliant and anti-inflammatory agent that can help to remove the dead skin cells and soothe the irritated skin. Yogurt is a natural source of lactic acid and probiotics that can help to dissolve the oil and dirt that cause blackheads and restore the skin’s natural balance. To use this remedy, follow these steps:
Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with one tablespoon of yogurt and a few drops of lemon juice.
Apply the mixture to the nose and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
Rinse off the mixture with warm water and pat the skin dry.
Repeat this process two or three times a week, or as needed.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Water
Apple cider vinegar is a natural toner and antibacterial agent that can help to balance the skin’s pH level and prevent the growth of bacteria that cause blackheads. Water is essential for keeping the skin hydrated and flushing out the toxins that can clog the pores. To use this remedy, follow these steps:
Mix one part of apple cider vinegar with two parts of water and stir well.
Apply the solution to the nose using a cotton ball or a spray bottle.
Let it dry naturally and do not rinse it off.
Repeat this process once or twice a day, preferably after cleansing the face.
Steam is one of the simplest and most effective ways to remove blackheads on the nose, as it can soften the clogged material and open up the pores.
To use steam, fill a large bowl with hot water and add a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender, tea tree, or eucalyptus, for extra benefits.
Then, cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl, letting the steam reach your face for about 10 minutes. After that, gently pat your face dry and use a blackhead extractor tool or your fingers to squeeze out the blackheads.
Make sure to sterilize the tool or wash your hands before and after using them, and apply gentle pressure to avoid damaging the skin. You can also use a toner and a moisturizer after the extraction to close the pores and soothe the skin.
Clay mask
Clay mask is a natural detoxifier that can help draw out impurities and excess oil from the pores and remove blackheads.
It can also improve blood circulation and skin tone, making it radiant and glowing.
To use clay mask, choose a clay that suits your skin type, such as bentonite, kaolin, or green clay, and mix it with enough water or apple cider vinegar to make a smooth paste.
Then, apply the paste to your nose and other affected areas and let it dry for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat your face dry. You can repeat this process once or twice a week, or add some essential oil, honey, or oatmeal to the clay mask for extra benefits.
How to Prevent Blackheads on the Nose?
Preventing blackheads on the nose is easier than treating them, and it can also save you time, money, and hassle. Here are some tips to prevent blackheads on the nose and keep your skin clear and healthy:
- Follow a balanced diet: What you eat can affect your skin, as some foods can trigger inflammation, hormonal imbalance, and sebum production. To prevent blackheads on the nose, avoid foods that are high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, dairy, and saturated fats, as they can worsen acne and blackheads. Instead, eat more foods that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, and lean meats, as they can improve your skin health and appearance.
- Drink plenty of water: Water is essential for keeping your skin hydrated, plump, and smooth. It can also help flush out toxins and impurities that can clog the pores and cause blackheads. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and avoid drinks that can dehydrate your skin, such as alcohol, coffee, and soda.
- Manage your stress levels: Stress can have a negative impact on your skin, as it can trigger hormonal fluctuations, inflammation, and sebum production. To prevent blackheads on the nose, try to reduce your stress levels by practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, or listening to music. You can also engage in hobbies that make you happy, such as reading, painting, or gardening, or spend time with friends and family who support you.
- Change your pillowcases and towels frequently: Pillowcases and towels can harbor dirt, oil, and bacteria that can transfer to your skin and clog the pores. To prevent blackheads on the nose, change your pillowcases and towels at least once a week, and wash them with hot water and mild detergent. You can also use silk or satin pillowcases, as they are less likely to absorb oil and cause friction on the skin.
Blackheads on the nose are a common and annoying skin problem that can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or skin type. However, they are not a serious health issue and can be easily treated and prevented by using natural and effective home remedies, as well as following some simple skin care tips.
By following the methods and tips mentioned in this article, you can get rid of blackheads on the nose at home and enjoy a clear and smooth skin.
How to extract blackheads on the nose safely?
Sometimes, home remedies and products may not be enough to remove stubborn blackheads on the nose, and you may feel tempted to squeeze or pop them out. However, this can be risky and harmful, as it can cause skin damage, infections, and scarring. If you want to extract blackheads on the nose safely, you should follow these steps:
- Cleanse the face with a gentle cleanser and warm water, and pat it dry.
- Steam the face for 10 to 15 minutes, using a bowl of hot water or a towel soaked in hot water, to open up the pores and soften the blackheads.
- Sterilize a comedone extractor, a metal tool with a loop at the end, by soaking it in rubbing alcohol or boiling water for a few minutes.
- Place the loop over the blackhead and gently press down until the blackhead pops out. Do not use too much force or dig into the skin, as this can cause damage and bleeding.
- Wipe the area with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol or witch hazel, to disinfect and close the pores.
- Apply a soothing moisturizer or aloe Vera gel to the nose, to calm the skin and prevent dryness.
How to get rid of blackheads on the nose permanently?
Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for blackheads on the nose, as they can recur due to various factors, such as genetics, hormones, environment, and lifestyle.
However, by following a consistent and proper skin care routine, using the home remedies and products mentioned above, and avoiding the triggers and habits that cause blackheads, you can reduce their frequency and severity, and keep your nose clear and smooth.